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Marketing for SBI Clerks

16. What are the four stages of product life cycle.......
a) Introduction, growth, maturity and decline
b) Starting, sales service and end
c) Introduction, sales, service and end
d) Starting, growth, sales, and decline
e) None of these

17. SWOT stands for........
a) Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats
b) Selling, Willing, Opening, and Treating
c) Sales, Winning, Opportunity and Team
d) Sales, Weakness, Opportunity and Team
e) None of these

18. Difference between marketing and selling........
I) Marketing focus on customer and selling focus on seller.
II) Marketing practices integrated approach and selling practices Fragmented approach.
III) Marketing converts customer's need into product and selling converts product into cash.
IV) Marketing makes profits through customer satisfaction, selling makes profits through sales volume.
a) Only (I)
b) I, III, IV
c) II, IV
d) All I, II, III, IV
e) None of these

19. Modern style of marketing include.........
a) E-commerce
b) E-mail solicitation
c) Social media marketing
d) All the above
e) None of these

20. One of the following is not included in market segmentation........
a) Geographic Segmentation
b) Demographic Segmentation
c) Sales Segmentation
d) Behavioral Segmentation
e) None of these

21. Census means........
a) A stock market index
b) A complete canvas of a population
c) A list of voters in a constitution
d) A channel in marketing
e) None of these

22. Redundancy means.........
a) Storing same data in many places
b) Reducing efforts of sale force
c) No multiple storages or storing the data in single place
d) Reducing customer efforts in banking
e) None of these

23. The legal term for brand is........
a) Trademark
b) Name
c) Identity of product
d) Symbol of product
e) None of these

24. Major feature of service is.........
a) Production, distribution and consumption are simultaneous process
b) Production and distribution are separated from consumption
c) Transfer of ownership is done to the customer
d) Tangibility
e) None of these

25. Bank passbook or fixed deposit receipt may be treated as ............ packing.
a) Branded
b) Primary
c) Costly
d) Labeling
e) None of these

26. Identify the factor that influences pricing.....
a) Competitor's policy
b) Government controls and regulations
c) Bargaining power of suppliers
d) All the above
e) None of these

16-a     17-a     18-d     19-d     20-c     21-b     22-a     23-a     24-a     25-b     26-d.

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