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Computer Knowledge Online Bits for IBPS Clerks

Computer Knowledge Online Bits for IBPS Clerks,Computer Awareness Online Test,Computer Awareness online bits,Computer Awareness online bits with answers,Computer Awareness bit bank,Computer Awareness online bits for banking,Computer Awareness online bits for bank exam,Computer Awareness previous questions for banking,Computer Awareness previous bank papers,edubanking
1. The speed of the dot matrix printer can be measured in
(i) Pages Per Minute (PPM)
(ii) Characters Per Minute (CPM)
(iii) Lines Per Minute (LPM)
(iv) Inches Per Second (IPS)

2. --- Is the process of assessing addresses to the different areas
(i) Tracking
(ii) Addressing
(iii) Dividing
(iv) Formatting
3. ---- Is a subdivision of a track
(i) Sub track
(ii) Sector
(iii) Block
(iv) None of the above

 4. Match the following
(A) DRAM 1. Non-Volatile
(B) SRAM  2. Volatile
(i) A-2, B-2, C-1, D-1
(ii) a-1, b-2, c- 2, d-2
(iii) a-1, b-2, c-1, d-2
(iv) a-2, b-1, c-2, d-1

5. ROM stands for ---
(i) Read Only Memory
(ii) Read On Memory
(iii) Read Memory
(iv) None of the above

6. RAM stands for ---
(i) Random Memory
(ii) Random Access Memory
(iii) Random Allocation Memory
(iv) Random Acceptable Memory

Q.No. 7 and Q.NO. 8 select Right (A)/ Wrong (B)

7. ROM is Volatile Memory. (Right (A) / Wrong (B))

8. Flash Memory is Volatile Memory. (Right (A) / Wrong (B))

9. Which of the following are the functions of a operating system
(i) Allocates resources
(ii) Monitors Activities
(iii) Manages disks and files
(iv) All of the above

10. -----Is a Multitasking operating system that aims at executing real time applications
(i) Multitasking Operating System
(ii) Single User Operating System
(iii) Real Time Operating System
(iv) None of the above

11. ----Operating system enable a multiple user access to a computer through the sharing of time.
(i) Multi user operating system
(ii) Single user operating system
(iii) Real time operating system
(iv) None of the above
12. ----- Is computer software designed to help the user to perform specific tasks
(i) Application software
(ii) System software
(iii) Software
(iv) None of the above

13. Match the following
(a) Graphical User Interface APPS software           1. DOS and UNIX
(b) Command Line Interface                                   2. Microsoft WINDOWS
(c) Product Engineering Software                            3. Web Browsers
(d) Content Access Software                                  4. CAD and CAM
(i) a-2, b-1, c-4, d-3
(ii) a-2, b-3, c-1, d-4
(iii) a-1, b-2, c-3, d-4
(iv) a-3, b-2, c-4, d-1

14. BIOS refers to
(i) Basic Input/Output System
(ii) Basic Instruction Organized System
(iii) Basic Interactive Output system
(iv) Basic Input Office System

15. The primary function of the ---- is to set up the hardware and load and start an operating system.
(i) System Programs
(ii) BIOS
(iii) CPU
(iv) Memory

16. The clock rate of a Processor Measured in ----
(i) Milliseconds
(ii) Megahertz or Gigahertz
(iii) Megabytes or Gigabytes
(iv) None of the above

17. When creating a computer program, the ---- designs the structure of the program
(i) End user
(ii) System Analyst
(iii) Programmer
(iv) All of the above

18. Checking the computer program for errors is called
(i) Correcting
(ii) Verification
(iii) Debugging
(iv) Inspecting

19. ----- Is an artificial language designed to communicate instructions to a computer
(i) Programming language
(ii) Machine language
(iii) Software language
(iv) None of the above

20. Machine language sometimes also referred as the -----
(i) Binary language
(ii) High level language
(iii) Middle level language
(iv) None of the above
21. COBOL is an acronym for ----
(i) Common Business Oriented Language
(ii) Computer Business Oriented Language
(iii) Common Business Operated Language
(iv) Common Business Organized Language

22. The program that comprises the ---- are called system software
(i) Operating System
(ii) Application Software
(iii) Development Software
(iv) None of the above

23. Match the following
(a) YOTTA 1. 2^50
(b) PETA 2. 2^40
(c ) TERA 3. 2^30
(d) GIGA 4. 2^80
(i) a-4, b-1,c-2, d-3
(ii) a-2, b-1, c-3, d-4
(iii) a-1, b-2, c-3, d-4
(iv) a-2, b-1, c-2, d-3

24. A bit can hold the value -----
(i) 1 byte
(ii) 8 bits
(iii) 0 or 1
(iv) None of the above

25.When was the first CPU introduced (first Microprocessor the Intel 4004)
(i) 1981
(ii) 1971
(iii) 1981
(iv) 1991

26. -----Translates the semantic instructions developed by programmers into the machine language
(a) Assembler
(b) Interpreter
(c) Loader
(d) Complier

27. ----- Takes one line, checks it for errors and then executes it
(i) Assembler
(ii) Interpreter
(iii) Loader
(iv) Compiler

28. What kind of memory is both static and non-volatile?
(i) RAM
(ii) ROM
(iii) BIOS
(iv) CACHE

29. Where does most data go first with in a computer memory hierarchy?
(i) RAM
(ii) ROM
(iii) BIOS
(iv) CACHE

30. The path that data travels between two computers is NOT called a
(i) Communication channel
(ii) Communication link
(iii) Communication bridge
(iv) None of the above

31. To move a copy of file from one computer to another over a communication channel is called.
(i) File transfer
(ii) File encryption
(iii) File modification
(iv) None of the above

32. LAN stands for
(i) Local Area Network
(ii) Local And Network
(iii) Language Area Network
(iv) Limited Area Network

33. Match the following
(a) LAN     (1) No entry restriction and No geographical limitation
(b) WAN   (2) Entry is restricted and limited to geographical area
(c) MAN    (3) Entry is restricted and No geographical limitation
(i) a-2, b-1, c-3
(ii) a-2, b-3, c-1
(iii) a-3, b-2, c-1
(iv) a-1, b-2, c-3

34. An airline reservation network would most likely to be in a --- topology
(i) Star
(ii) Bus
(iii) Ring
(iv) Mesh

35. WAN stands for
(i) Wide Area Network
(ii) Work Area Network
(iii) Wide And Network
(iv) Wash Area Network
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